🚀New Features
White Label iPOSpays
This update introduces iPOSpays’ white-labeling feature, enabling ISOs to customize the portal, POS terminals, and iPOSgo! for a fully branded, tailored customer experience.
FEED Activation From Portal
With this update, we’ve introduced the ability to activate FEED directly from the portal, enabling live tracking via webhook for platforms like POS, CloudPOS, Tap to Pay on iPhone, and Tap to Pay on Android for seamless monitoring and control.
Tip Adjust by Store
This update allows merchants using POS or CloudPOS terminals to adjust the tip for multiple TPNs from a single device or batch, as long as all TPNs are within the same store.
Dashboard as a Privilege
With this update, ISOs and Merchant admins can now control access to the iPOSpays Dashboard by enabling or disabling it as a privilege when creating new users.
CloudPOS Customization
With this update, merchants can now customize the requirement for phone number or email address entry on the CloudPOS – Pay Now screen, making both fields optional or mandatory based on their needs.
Get Customer Signature for CloudPOS + PIN pad
A new checkbox in CloudPOS allows merchants to enable or disable the signature capture screen that appears on the connected POS terminal after completing a transaction.
Display Cart Items on Device for SPIn
With this update, merchants using SPIn integration can now include cart items in the request sent from their cash register application to their Dejavoo payment terminals, enabling the terminals to display the cart items along with the card and cash prices of the transaction.
ECard Added as a Gift Host
With this update, the ECard has been added as a gift host to the iPOSpays portal.
View By Device
The “View By Device” filter in the “Merchants Boarding” card for ISOs on the iPOSpays Dashboard can be displayed as a pie chart.
New Keys in iPOS Transact API V2 Response
The “View By Device” filter in the “Merchants Boarding” card for ISOs on the iPOSpays Dashboard can be displayed as a pie chart.
🐛Bug Fixes
White Label iPOSpays Bug Fixes
Logo Display Issue: Fixed a bug where the iPOSpays logo appeared on the Hosted Payment Page (HPP) and Generic HPP when no logo was uploaded. Fav Icon Disappearance: Resolved an issue where the fav icon on the browser’s tab disappeared after completing a transaction on the HPP or GHPP. Incorrect Recipient Name: Corrected the MFA email to display the correct recipient name selected by the ISO.
Store DBA Name Fixed in Invoice
With this update, the store DBA name will now appear correctly in the E-invoice email, even with special characters on the store DBA name.
Updated Password Reset Box Messages
With this update, the message on the password reset box on the iPOSpays portal will now provide specific feedback based on the user’s input to prevent generic “Invalid password” error messages from being displayed for incorrect entries.
iPOSpays Password Reset Glitch Fixed
This fix ensures the password reset link now properly directs to the reset page, even if other portal tabs are open.
Duplicate Settlement Report Issue Fixed
This update addresses an issue where, in some instances, merchants received duplicate settlement reports via email after settling a batch.
Google Pay Issue Resolved
This update addresses functionality issues with the Google Pay feature.
Freedom To Design “Null” Issue
This update improves the Freedom to Design (FTD) API by ensuring the Credit Card (CC) number field correctly displays the CC number, resolving the issue where “null” appeared for Amex card transactions.