
Explore Dejavoo's comprehensive list of


View our payment terminal certifications based on host platforms in the USA and Canada
Aura Vega DVPay DVPay Lite (iPOSPays) iPOSGo!
Z Line P QD P QD Android iOS
Adapt - Gift √
Bridgepay √ √ √ √
Cardknox √
Clearent Quest √ √
Clutch - Gift √
Crosscheck - Check √
Data Candy - Gift √
eGift √ √
Elavon (in progress US, Canada) (in progress) (in progress)
Electronic Payments √ √
EPX √ √ (in progress) (in progress)
EVO Gift √ √
EVO TPS/NG Trans √ √
Factor 4 - Gift √ √ √ √ √
First Data Rapid Connect (Nashville - North) √ (in progress) (in progress) √ √
First Data Omaha √ √ √ √ √ (in progress)
First Data Valuelink √
GiveX - Gift √ √ √ √ √
Global √ √
Mercury √
Nuvei (Canada) √ (in progress)
OptiCard - Gift √ √ √
Paya - Checks √ √ √
Paya/Geti - Gift √
Payfacto (Canada) √
Paymentech MSR only (MOTO - eCommerce)
Paynetworx √ √
Portico (Canada) √
Priority (PPS) √ (in progress) (in progress)
Priority MX √ √
RS2 (in progress) (in progress)
Surpay √ √
Swipe it/STS - Gift √ √ √ √ √
Tender Card - Gift √ √ √ √ √
TSYS √ √ √ √ √ √
UMPA - Gift √ √
Vantiv Worldpay √ √ √ √ √
WorldGift - Gift √ √ √ √ √