Disabling DeNovo & SPIn Services and its effect on your monthly invoice

Disabling Denovo & Spin Services
and its effect on your monthly invoice

There are 3 ways to block the SPIn proxy server for specific TPN:

1. Delete the TPN:
Deleting the TPN will cause the following to happen:

1. The file will be removed from STEAM and the user will not be able to review the file or its history in STEAM or in DeNovo.
2. The terminal will no longer be able to pull updates from STEAM.
3. The terminal will no longer send transactions to DeNovo.
4. The SPIn connection will be disabled.
Please note: the terminal will still attempt to connect through SPIn.
5. The file will be deleted and the TPN cannot be restored.
6. The TPN will be removed from the next monthly DeNovo invoice.
Please note: this TPN will be included in the current month after deletion occurs.

To delete the TPN please follow these steps:

• Go to “Edit Terminal” page; and
• Press trash icon beside the TPN

2. Deactivate the TPN
Deactivating the TPN will cause the following to happen:

1. The terminal will no longer be able to pull updates from STEAM.
2. The terminal will no longer send transactions to DeNovo.
3. The SPIn connection will be disabled.
Please note: the terminal will still attempt to connect through SPIn.
4. The TPN will be removed from next monthly DeNovo invoice.
Please note: this TPN will be included in the current month after deactivation occurs.

To deactivate the TPN please follow these steps:

• Go to “Edit Terminal” page; and
• Press “Not Active” for TPN Status.

3. Disable Merchant Portal
Disabling DeNovo Services for the TPN in STEAM will cause the following to happen:

1. The terminal will no longer pull daily auto updates from STEAM.
2. The user will no longer see transitions on DeNovo.
3. The terminal will continue to try to upload data to DeNovo, but it will fail. To prevent this, a manual download is required.
Please note: skipping the manual download process may cause an “out of memory” issue on your terminal and potentially,
make it inoperable.
4. The SPIn connection will be disabled.
Please note: the terminal will still attempt to connect through SPIn until a download is performed.
5. The TPN will be removed from the next monthly DeNovo invoice.
Please note: this TPN will be included in the current month after disabling occurs.

To disable DeNovo services on TPN in STEAM please follow these steps:

• Go to “Edit Terminal” page and press “Save Terminal”, which will bring you to the DeNovo Services screen; then
• Disable “Merchant Portal” by unchecking box, and press “Save”.